Click on the menu icon to "Import Brushes", and find the XML file that you extracted from the zip archive. To install, select your brush while on a bitmap layer, and go to your Tool Properties. To get the most out of these brushes, a pressure sensitive tablet is highly recommended.

Essentials does not support vector texture brushes so please make sure you are running Advanced or Premium. To use this brush, make sure you are using, and yes, on a vector layer. They are now on par with the bitmap brushes. upped the ante with the vector brush tools. Second, is a new version of my Animator Pencil. To use it, make sure you are in Harmony version 11 and up, and are working on a bitmap layer. First, is my original, classic bitmap brush that I love using for sketching and rough animation in Harmony. zip archive now contains two versions of my favorite sketching brush. Both the brush and the eraser can be sized up and down as needed for different effects.

After a lot of trial and error I think I found it. You can also create dynamic brushes, which allow you to use artwork created in Harmony as if it was a brush tip or a stamp.Thanks for checking out my Animator Pencil for Toon Boom Harmony! I wanted a brush that looked and felt like a real pencil. Changing the colour used to paint a textured vector brush stroke from the colour palette will update the colour in textured vector brush stroke, as it would with solid vector brush strokes, all the while preserving its texture. Hence, their colour can be repainted or updated as easily as with solid vector brush strokes. On vector layers, textured vector brush strokes are composed of a greyscale bitmap mask applied to their colour. If your brush is scaled up or deformed in a way that takes more volume, Harmony will automatically generate new pixels for the textures, which might cause them to lose quality. If your strokes contain a bitmap texture, Harmony will scale or deform the texture to fit the new shape of your brush. When drawing on vector layers, you can use the Select Tool, Contour Editor, Smooth Editor, Perspective and Envelope tool to scale your brush strokes or to tweak their shape. Hence, they can be used to draw in various art styles, add natural-looking details to your drawing and reproduce the feel of a real brush stroke. Textured brush strokes can have a bitmap brush tip, a bitmap paper texture, and various settings such as hardness, randomness, antialiasing and transparency.

Solid vector brush strokes are made of a vector shape filled with a solid colour, making them limited in terms of art style, but lightweight and easy to manage. The Brush tool allows you to draw by creating shapes based on your drawing strokes and filling them with colour. With the Brush tool, you can draw solid vector strokes or textured bitmap strokes, depending on your brush properties. The Brush tool is pressure sensitive and lets you create a contour shape with a thick and thin line effect, as if it was created with a paint brush.